Gangs – Possibly Your Biggest Security Threat

You know about gangs from the movies, television, and sometimes from the newspapers, right?
You probably understand them to be disaffected lawless groups of underclass urban youth, often from ethnic minorities, and while a problem for sure in the inner cities, not something you’re likely to encounter, either hopefully in your normal daily lives, or – and more to the point – if you ever need to bug out to the safety of your rural retreat.
Many people also assume that because street gangs are lawless and disruptive, and because they deal in and use drugs, and because they seem to be made up of high school dropouts rather than honor roll students, they are anarchistic in nature, uncoordinated, and poorly managed. Their tendency to kill each other is viewed as further proof of their irrelevancy outside of the narrow geographic areas they can be found in, and outside of the drugs trade they seem to be such a part of.
Unfortunately, while some of the preceding two paragraphs is indeed correct, the most important parts are totally wrong. Gangs are not a geographically confined phenomenon affecting only their fellow members of the criminal classes. They have already infiltrated all parts of the US – rural and urban – and are engaged in all types of criminal activity, from ‘white collar’ crimes such as identity theft and mortgage fraud to more traditional activities such as drugs, prostitution and general violent crime.
Gangs members are also more numerous than you might think and steadily increasing in number. In 2010 it was estimated there were at least 1.4 million gang members in the US (up from a 2008/2009 estimate of 1 million). In four states (CA ID UT and NM) the gang members outnumber the police by more than six to one, in another seven states there are 4 – 6 gang members for every law enforcement official (NV WA MT ND NE IA MS).
As these numbers hint at, gangs are moving out of the cities and into the rural states and regions. States with more than four gang members per 1,000 of population in general are CA, NV, ID, NM, IL (all with 6+ per thousand) and AK, WA, UT, WY, CO, NE, KS, OK, MN, IA, MS, TN, NJ and ME (all with 4 – 6 gang members per thousand). This is illustrated on the map at the top of this article.
Some Scary Facts About Gangs
While some neighborhood gangs remain informal and amorphous casual groupings of people with little interest in anything outside their own territory, most gangs are very different. These days gangs can be multi-national organizations comprising sometimes tens of thousands of members, and involved in international trade just like many large corporations, albeit of illegal rather than regular goods. They have hierarchies of leadership, they form alliances with each other, and generally act – in some respects – rationally and in a coordinated manner.
Rather than being made up of aimless drifters and high school dropouts, some gangs even provide scholarships for selected members to go to college to learn regular business skills which can subsequently be applied to benefit the gang. Other gang members are recruited out of the military, while some gang members remain active in the reserves, so the gangs have the benefit of the finest weapons and training that Uncle Sam can provide.
Gangs also have the latest in military grade weapons, both legal and illegal, and not only do they have higher powered weapons and munitions, they also have the training in how to use them effectively and a complete lack of moral restraint or care of consequences for when it comes to choosing to use them. They’re not just ‘gang bangers’ with ‘Saturday Night Special’ cheap revolvers stuck down the fronts of their trousers. Some of them are highly trained and battle hardened weapons experts who have fought in our various foreign wars, and who now are training their fellow gang members in the same combat skills, and with the same equipment – weapons, night optics, protective clothing, and field medical care – as they became proficient with in the armed services.
Gang members also actively seek to join police departments and other government organizations – and often succeed in doing so. Because of this, some gangs have as good or better intelligence about what the police are doing than what the police have about the gang members – it is difficult with some ethnic groupings to get police informers into gangs, and with our strange obsession about treating illegal aliens as a special privileged class of criminal these days, the determination, particularly at national levels, to give illegal aliens a ‘free ride’ and to look the other way whenever accidentally encountering one has also helped gangs preserve their own ‘opsec’. Needless to say, significant numbers of gang members are illegal aliens – oh yes, and they’re also actively involved in bringing more illegal aliens into the country as well.
Those gangs that haven’t infiltrated members into local law enforcement might still be able to pretend to be law officers. Gangs regularly target police vehicles to steal weapons, bullet proof vests, and police ID.
While gangs are happily involved in most traditional forms of crime, they haven’t restricted themselves to only crimes of violence. They have opportunistically spread into just about every form of illegal endeavor. Gangs even make use of mortgage banking and identity fraud the same as the best of white-collar criminals.
And while gang members like to flash recognition signs at each other, and to wear particular colors and styles of clothing, that’s not the only way they communicate. They also use high-tech methods of communication for command and control purposes, including encrypted voice communications, computer to computer links, and throw-away cell phones.
Gangs also use public internet communities as a means of recruiting new gang members, with specific individuals tasked with formal recruiting duties. Gangs aren’t growing in size as a result of randomness – they are actively – and successfully – recruiting new members, much more successfully than your local church or community group.
Gangs Are Now in Rural Areas as Well as Cities
Gangs have already spread across the country. They’re not exclusively an inner city/big city problem. They’re increasingly setting up in rural communities. The crime you’re seeking to escape from, by moving to a small township somewhere, may have already moved there ahead of you.
Unfortunately, the spread of migrant agricultural workers from Mexico and other Central/South American countries into agri-business states has also had them bring their gangs with them. And our willingness to welcome refugees has also seen us welcome refugee gangsters as well as refugees, whether they be from Somalia or Russia or anyplace else.
There’s a related consideration to keep in mind as well. You may not recognize gang members when you see them. Sure, some gang members are obvious, but not all gang members fit the classic profiles. In addition to youthful hispanics and blacks, middle-aged white men are gang members too, and as you surely know, we as preppers are often painted with too broad a brush, confusing us with ‘white supremacists’ and ‘neo-nazis’ and ‘fundamentalists’.
While we of course don’t like this blurring of the lines between ordinary law-abiding folk such as ourselves who simply wish to prudently prepare for possible future breakdowns in society, and extremists who wish to contribute to the breakdown in society, there is an uncomfortable element in this confusion. Sometimes it can be difficult for us to distinguish between fellow law-abiding and prepping ‘good folks’ and other people who while also prepping for an adverse future are most definitely not good folks.
This may be part of the reason why Idaho is shown as having so many gang members. We’re not sure if all the so-called gang members in ID are truly gang members, or if perhaps they are merely ‘counter-cultural’ types that in the last few years the Department of Justice has been distressingly eager to categorize as either domestic terrorists or gang members.
But, whatever and whoever these folks are, it is always prudent to keep in mind that the person next to you in the store who is also buying up bulk supplies of long life food, cases of ammo, or whatever else, may not necessarily share all the same values as yourself, and may not for sure be the sort of person you’d want to invite into your retreat, either in good times or bad.
Who is Winning the War Against Gangs?
Is there even a ‘war against gangs’, and if there is, do we have any reason to believe it is any less a colossal failure than our war against drugs?
While some elements of local gangs are indeed made up of the dregs of society doing their best to eliminate themselves from the gene pool, there’s precious little evidence that even against such dysfunctional adversaries our law enforcement bodies are winning the upper hand. No matter how many task forces and initiatives and community groups are formed, and no matter how much money is thrown at the issue, these least threatening types of gangs still seem to be thriving.
The upper elements of regional, national and international gangs are calculating, intelligent and very formidable opponents, and they are definitely growing in numbers and distribution. As evidence of that is the ongoing growth and spread of their gangs.
The FBI/National Gang Intelligence Center issued a National Gang Threat Assessment document in 2009 (you can read it here) in which they estimated there were about one million gang members in the US. A new National Gang Threat Assessment document was published in 2011 (you can read it here) in which the estimate had grown to 1.4 million.
The FBI say, to partially explain and excuse this apparent 40% leap in gang membership in a mere two years, that the reason for the growth in their estimate is in part due to better intelligence in 2011. But that’s not reassuring at any level – if the FBI couldn’t estimate gang numbers to within 40% of the real count in 2009, what else were they overlooking then, and what else are they still overlooking now? They didn’t say, in their 2009 report ‘this number might be off by 40%’; how are we to know that the 1.4 million count now is any more accurate?
There is a lot of information about gangs on the internet of course, and while the two FBI reports are more authoritative than many other sources, they have to be read in context with the FBI’s own constraints and framing agenda. Does it suit the FBI, in cases where a judgment call could be made, to be alarmist or to be calming in how they interpret the incomplete and raw data they receive?
If you want to know more, we suggest you should do a fairly open-minded and broad review of the published literature, and most of all, make sure you accept it free of the constraints of normal civilized behavior. Many of these gangs live a life and interact with normal people in a way that truly is (or could be) your worst nightmare, and unfortunately, it is in the rural communities these days where they are often most dominant.
At least in the inner cities, a confrontation between gang members and police can see tens if not hundreds of police rush to the location in only a few minutes, backed up by SWAT teams, helicopters, and all sorts of other formidable resources. But what about in a lightly populated county, where there might only be half a dozen sheriff’s deputies on duty at a given time, and half of them are 50+ miles away from the other half? This is distressingly a common circumstance in some areas these days – where one or two policemen realize that reinforcements are at least 30 minutes away and potentially an hour or more away, and even if the reinforcements all turn up magically in just a few minutes, they’ll still be outnumbered ten to one by the gang members they are confronting.
We know, from discussions with law enforcement officers and third parties, about counties where the police are massively outnumbered by gang members and where the gangs have pretty much taken over the county. Normal residents have either moved out or been forced to adjust their lives to accept the impact and presence of the gangs around them. The police will still happily give us, as ordinary law-abiding folks who support our local police and accept the rule of law, a ticket for doing 33 mph in a 30 mph zone, but if you’re a gang member, they’ll develop sudden selective blindness.
The police are used to ordinary criminals mouthing off when they are arrested, making all sorts of wild threats about what they will do when they get free, variously to the police officers and their families. They also know that 99.9% of the time, these threats are empty and without any meaning. But if the police overstep the bounds of the uneasy informal truces with their local gangs, they know that the threats are very real.
This creates for an uneasy sort of truce between the police and the gangs, with the gangs in the ascendancy.
Who is winning the war against gangs? Isn’t it obvious? The war is over, ended before it even started. The gangs have won.
Implications for Preppers
We headed this article with the claim that gangs are possibly your biggest security threat. Hopefully the article has opened your eyes to how and why this can be so.
In particular, consider the following points :
- Gangs are everywhere, including quite possibly in the towns and countryside close to your retreat. In other words, they’re already dangerously close to you.
- Gangs have many members, and are affiliated with potentially tens of thousands of fellow gang members in other branches of the gang. In other words, they outnumber you, maybe by ten to one, maybe by one hundred to one.
- Gangs have well-developed military competencies, and the weapons to match. In other words, expect to be confronted by battle hardened combatants armed with heavy caliber automatic weapons.
- Gangs have no moral restraints acting on them. They break the law with relative impunity now, and in a crisis seeing a collapse of society and its normal values, they’ll be even freer in their actions then. In other words, what’s yours risks becoming theirs.
What can you do? There are some small glimmers of hope. While the gangs are not constrained by normal moral or legal considerations, they do have a moderately rational leadership. Their future success doesn’t depend exclusively on plundering your retreat – they can turn away from you and concentrate on other easier opportunities if it suits them to do so. They’ve shown they can co-exist alongside local law enforcement, provided that the local law doesn’t become too bothersome. If you can create a ‘win-win’ that will result in that outcome, so much the better. (We have some thoughts on such scenarios, and you’ll understand our hesitation in publishing them for all to see.)
On the other hand, they’ll not be fazed by the thought of a ‘lose-lose’ situation. Particularly in a Level 2/3 event, they’ll have no shortage of people wishing to join their gang, and if they have to sacrifice 50 or 100 new recruits as part of an operation to eliminate you and your retreat, they’ll probably happily do so.
The likely impact of gangs on you and your retreat underscores, yet again, the essential need for you to be part of a medium or larger sized community, whether it be a Code Green community, one you create yourselves, or any other similar sort of arrangement. If it is just you against 50 gang members, you know how that story will end. But if it is 50 (or 100) of you against 50 gang members, you have a better range of endings to work towards.
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