Bugging Out Internationally? The World’s Most Libertarian Countries

Beware the lure of foreign countries as a bug-out location.
Beware the lure of foreign countries as a bug-out location.

In theory, a prepper would be most comfortable in a more libertarian environment.  Less government participation in people’s lives implies less to go wrong in the case of some sort of societal collapse, and a more libertarian environment also suggests it would be easier for preppers to quietly prep as they see fit, free of interference or constraint.

Here’s an article on Britain’s Daily Telegraph website that claims to be a guide to the world’s most libertarian countries.

But we have to say we find the countries on the list surprising, and the tests used to determine the most libertarian countries simplistic and inappropriate.

Are we about to suddenly move to North Korea (one of the recommended countries) – or Canada, which is, unbelievably, also on the list?  Not in a million years.  If anything, this article’s selections reads like a list of countries to avoid at all costs.

Maybe the US isn’t such a bad place to live in after all.  In all seriousness, we are all of course most familiar with our own country’s shortcomings and challenges, because we live here.  The grass on the other side can indeed seem greener.  But speaking as one who has lived and worked in other countries, I have to say that while I see our own problems and challenges vividly, I see at least as many everywhere else in the world, too.

In case you can’t see the article, it recommends countries as follows :

(a)  Drug Policies :  Portugal, Czech Republic, North Korea.

(b)  Gay Rights :  Argentina, Netherlands, South Africa

(c)  Prostitution :  Canada, Germany, Netherlands

(d)  Taxes :  Andorra, Monaco, Jersey

(e)  Corruption :  Denmark, New Zealand.  Avoid Russia and Somalia.

3 Replies to “Bugging Out Internationally? The World’s Most Libertarian Countries”

  1. NancyB

    David, North Korea is not one of the “recommended” countries. They mentioned North Korea in the context of recreational drug use tolerance because North Korea doesn’t consider marijuana and opium as drugs. Their methodology of pinpointing only certain “facts” doesn’t really constitute a recommendation, and as you said, very simplistic. They didn’t do such a good job of writing on this article.

    • David Spero

      Hi, Nancy

      If you’ll prefer, we can simply say that DPRK is one of their referenced/named countries. 🙂

      I actually like the Daily Telegraph; it is the most conservative of Britain’s major dailies, and often has good articles in it. But this piece was very disappointing indeed. About the only country of any interest on their list was one of their footnoted countries – New Zealand – and I’m not even sure about that as a choice.

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